Monday, July 12, 2010

It's been a while....

I haven't blogged in AGES I know. I'm brutal. I was debating on whether on not on just deleting my blog all together but decided to just make a blog post instead. I do hope to update regularly but my regularly is probably not what others would consider regular. ;)

We have had a pretty relaxing Summer so far other than the 3 day heat spell we had where I almost melted and died. I pretty much spent those days in a bathing suit lounging on my back porch, too hot to do anything. Now that that is over, I can attempt to finish painting my living room/dining room this pretty yellow color called "Spiced Curry". More like mustard I would say.



It still needs 2 more coats which I will be putting on very slowly.. I hate to paint.

This past weekend we spent each day at the beach having picnics and lying in the shade. Nik and I had a bit of a break from photoshots (except for one early Sunday morning) so it was a nice and relaxing,well deserved,break.

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4 3b

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